Friday, November 11, 2011

The Theory in Leizure Class ( November 8th, 2011)

The reading discussed the perspectives of two different types of classes, one that was superior and the other was inferior. The inferior class saw the opportunity to work as a way to be happy to have an income come to his family and a privilege to be doing something with his life rather than being a wasted life entity. The other one sees that if you work under someone, it almost seems like your almost being a slave to them. They have to act to everything that they ask for without a sense of an option because it is the only way they could retain money from working there. It is almost as if they have no freedom in the work that they are stationed. But I mean that can also be a good thing. As mentioned in the book, it can also be that if you work under someone and something happens where you were defective when checking products or doing your job in general, the company suffers from it not you specifically.
The other part of the article discussed how you have a lot of money you are not seen as a rich person because your not spending the money or using it at any expenditure. Unless you buy things with the money that you gain there is no reason to call anyone rich because they are only saving their money, not displaying it or flaunting it.

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