Saturday, November 26, 2011

Markets with Knowledge (November 25th, 2011)

Thermostat is a good marketing device of knowledge. Centralized knowledge is good but uncentralized knowledge can be useful as well depending on how it is used. How prices can be signals to adjust to clear the market, depending if the price rices or falls depending on how people actually get it.
There is more than just things on the shelves;
Expectations are rapidly changing knowing in my life that these things shall always be on the shelves.
Titanium market;
20 million pounds of titanium, process if the prices were higher from 20 dollars per ton to 30 dollars a ton, then customers that use titanium would want to buy less, but how much less? It depends on how easy it is to do without titanium. Are there any good substitutes?
Wood or thin headed clubs that work wells, but it all depends on how etiquette it would be for all of it. What about digging tons of titanium? Depends on how expensive it will be to get the titanium from the ground. The shape of the supply curve changes from how it is being dug from the ground.

Demand curve will be flat if there is a change in the supply curve. If a price is at 25, then it would not be sustained because there would be a surplus and it would be brought down to 20. Suppose, Titanium can allow them to run on higher speed with a less frequency noise from passengers. Instead of it being 10 it would change to 20 millions.

Economic problem; there is not enough titanium to go around. Quantity demand would go from 16 and 10, which is a shortage. Identity the potential parties and work some type of solution. How do these things get solved? Higher a titanium Zared? What would they ahve to know to solve the type of problems?

LOTS OF STUFF THEY DID NOT KNOW IN A MILLION LIFETIMES. To solve this problem, answer the question, how much is the extra cost to get titanium? how to fill the paperwork? Labor costs? Environmental damage? First ton would happen, how would it change for the second ton? How do you store it all? It's very difficult.

Cut back as the demand curve when someone else changes in the market. New entrances come into the market, the demand curve is still the same for the consumer. The market price changes from 20 to 25, the quantity demand will be reduced by 8, so the change in quantity is equal to 2. The price is higher, so would allow others to find more units of titanium and how many producers respond to the change.How do engineers respond to it? At the intial price, they wanted 6, but they don't get it all, so they know that they will get 4 units. So the quantity change from 2 to 4, is then 2. Adding them up will be 6. 6 billion pounds are fitted away. Both came about when the prices changes. At 6 and 20, now 5 at 25 when it changes. (review video from Nov. 24th, 2011 for further information).

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