Lay card reports that richer is not happier, thus if income is not important for happiness, no need to focus on economical growth. An increase of individualism and freedom since 1981 has been attributed with increase in enjoyment across the globe.
Suicide has maintained an increase in rate due to the accessibility of doing harm to the body such ans an overdose in medicine. The stagnating is also as different now, for example your parents and you don't have much of a change since they used a busted car, while you use a sleek car, but the stagnating difference between your grandfather and your great grandfather is much more different since one used a horse and the other used a horse.
The Commercial Revolution
Real economic success
- Religious Liberty
- Norman's Rights
- Political Freedom
- We used up our increased productivity with more people.
- Fertility will increase as growth happens.
- Continuous improvement in technology, knowledge and human special capital allow productivity to outpace population growth.
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